Web Development 10 Audio Mix Project – 2023
Adobe Audition: Audio Mixes
Adobe Illustrator: Poster Background
Adobe Photoshop: Full Poster
Starting with the audio mixes, I made three in the Adobe Audition program. I altered the original music tracks by removing the instrumental for some songs and the vocals for others so I could mix multiple songs together at once. I also sped up or slowed down the different tracks of music so the vocals would match the BPM of the instrumental and flow properly. I also used effects within the program to do things like fade in and out the music tracks. Also to make it family-friendly, I went in and removed the swear words in all of the tracks.
Next for the poster portion of this project, I used both programs Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. I first used Adobe Illustrator to create the art for that sunset background, using colours to match some of the vibes of the remixes I created. I then used Adobe Photoshop to add the QR code link to my music and add text and album colours to complete the poster.
passion projects
Using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator
Photo edit of Tyla, Changing colours and contrast of the image for photoshop, adding outlines on illustrator.
Spacepedia Travel Guide: A Journey to Neutron Stars!
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/mChjvIAut2Q?si=Ed82kmjSrFtFZgP7" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
This video was part of a presentation I had to make with my group (Sheree, Ivan and I) for our astronomy research group project. We decided to create a neutron star travel guide as a way to present information on our topic in a creative informative way that describes all the basic knowledge and properties of neutron stars. As I have the Adobe video editing resources from my digital arts classes, I was the one who edited and put the video together adding all the effects and music. For the video, I had to adjust many audio levels and reduce some of the background noise as well, I had moved the audio into Adobe Audition to use some of the effects in that audio editing software. I also got to learn how to use different transitions and effects on videos.
Nhl predictions
For this project, we used spreadsheets and data to create predictions for this NHL season. Choosing 25 random players and putting their data into the spreadsheet, updating and adding new data every few weeks, making predictions each time to guess their points for the next date. Using variables like approximate points per game and how many games were played between each prediction to guess. Over time this method has generally been successful and created close predictions to the real number of points. When I was trying to do this project, I came across many difficulties starting with, what I assume was incorrectly putting in the player codes as only a third of the player’s data was cooperating properly when trying to gather data so I was unable to use all 25 players to create my predictions. Other than that, I figured out how to avoid the disfunctioning part of my spreadsheet and still gathered my predictions and data to put in charts and conclude the accuracy of my predictions.
Overall, after this project, I have a much better understanding of how to use spreadsheets effectively and efficiently. These skills even ended up being useful when I had to use the same program for one of my volunteering jobs outside of school where I had to input data into spreadsheets and flow charts during fight matches.
MailChimp Campaigns
<style type="text/css">
.display_archive {font-family: arial,verdana; font-size: 12px;}
.campaign {line-height: 125%; margin: 5px;}
Group Website w/ Saia