Over the course we have crated many projects including some trinket code, NHL player predictions, tech news summary and more.
OBS overview
Trinket project 1.
<iframe src="https://trinket.io/embed/python/23a8c23e58" width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Trinket project 2.
<iframe src="https://trinket.io/embed/python/eeb8510a5e" width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
NHL player score predictions chart.
<iframe width="600" height="371" seamless frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQ5IWs68rLTo5NWh06pbhCHk9AuBxsZ9yX8OYbweLtPNUuRCG66oGyX3dnoDGYVnC6oLAOBC8W3d4rW/pubchart?oid=1818587728&format=interactive"></iframe>
News 1.
On June 5th 2023 Apple announced their new product The Apple Vision Pro, a VR headset with detailed cameras so the consumer can very easily mix projections and reality. Ever since June 5th many people have been patiently waiting for this release until about 3 months ago when on february second it was finally available for purchase. When customers received their devices it was very clear that apple was intending the apple vision pro for work and not gaming whereas its competing model the meta quest 3 is much more game focused which partly differentiates the consumer market of the vision pro to other headsets. This is a very good thing for Apple that people have realised this because then apple can set a very high price and it can be considered not overpriced. Apple have clearly taken advantage of this and are charging $3,500 which is 7 times more expensive than the meta quest three $500.
News 2
Solar energy has been a popular topic in recent years due to its usefulness and constant staggering advancements. In November 2023 a group of solar experts from silicon valley got together and shattered the previous efficiency records by adding a thin layer of specially formed crystals that enhanced the effectivity of the screen. This shows that scientists are creatively improving solar efficiency and testing many new ways to improve. This matters because solar energy is a very good plan B for energy production and even though we may not rely on it now, the fact that we are still improving it for the future is very important.
Code project 1.
<iframe src="https://trinket.io/embed/python/fa971f1a20" width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Code project 2.
<iframe src="https://trinket.io/embed/python/632e6f85fb" width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Optional third project.

I used AI to create this art. I tried many prompts to come up with this final result. After I came up with this image I used Canva AI to upscale it to increase the quality.