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Daisy’s NHL Predictions
Chart Link:
This is the link to my prediction chart!
Chart Embed:
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Chart Image:
MailChimp Campaigns:
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Projects of Choice:
Sonny Angel Land by Daisy Sun. Background created using Gemini AI, Sonny Angels placed and edited using Adobe Photoshop.
Remembrance Day by Daisy Sun. The background was pulled off Google, while the poppies were meticulously handcrafted by Adobe Photoshop.
Technology News:
Summary: Through a potential collaboration with OpenAI, Apple seeks to implement generative AI into their new iPhones. By doing this, they may outcompete some of their competitors who have already integrated such technologies, such as Google and Samsung. Furthermore, Apple hopes to use generative AI to enhance iPhone interactions, personalization, and the overall experience. They want to focus on improving Siri to aid users in executing daily tasks. In the future, we can see AI being more heavily based in cell phone usage.
Editorial: I think this is a great way for Apple to keep up with its competitors, and to eliminate competition. Although Apple is arguably the most popular technology brands, the rise of AI poses a serious threat to their sales and user interactions. The usage of AI in iPhones would be great for accessibility and efficiency in users’ lives. This article also highlights the importance of AI, and how it is shaping our future. With more people being exposed to harmless, yet useful forms of AI, such as in their smartphones, it is a great opportunity for individuals to feel more comfortable with its usage.
Summary: Roblox is partnering with the well-known furniture brand, IKEA, to create an online game where employees can get paid for working on the game. Similar to regular IKEA workers, these online workers will be showing customers around the store, helping them make purchases which will be delivered to them in real life, and even serving the famous IKEA meatballs! In addition, they will be able to make wages of $16.82 an hour, which is the same wage as a normal IKEA worker in London. Lots of people are excited about this new game on Roblox!
Opinion: This is such an intriguing and amusing idea for IKEA to execute! As a Roblox user myself, I have often found myself playing games in which I act as a barista or fast food worker. However, these often seem like a waste of time as players are often working for no rewards. This online game will not only help mitigate the current lack of jobs in the real world, it also allows for accessibility and efficiency.