Jayden Yu Portfolio

OBS video

NHL chart link

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Mailchimp campaigns

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Audio Projects

I merged the songs Viva la Vida and God’s Plan in this song.

These are 2 more audio projects that I worked on

Dance the Night away remix

It’s the end of the world as we know it + King Kunta

2 Commentaries on tech news

Researchers in Leeds have developed an AI tool called Find-HF that can identify patients at risk of heart failure using patient medical records. This could allow for earlier diagnosis and treatment, potentially improving the quality of life for patients. The tool was trained on data from over half a million UK patients and can predict patients at high risk within five years.


This AI tool can help avoid deaths due to heart failure, which is another one of the many benefits of AI. The future of AI is immeasurable, being able to replace the job of doctors and many more to better our lives.

This is an article about artificial intelligence (AI) in sleep medicine. It discusses how AI is being used to diagnose and treat sleep disorders. AI can also help people track their sleep patterns and improve their sleep quality. However, experts warn that AI is not a replacement for human doctors.


AI can also diagnose sleep disorders now, which makes a lot of the doctors obsolete. However, doctors can also use this tool in order to better their own ways of diagnosing and treating sleep disorders, as well as prescribing medicine and such, making AI a valuable tool for doctors.

Passion Projects:

  1. Adobe Illustrator

2. Photoshop